Elena Gilbert love is a name, sex is a game. forget the name, let`s play the game..
Pranešimų skaičius : 1013 Taškai : 1754 Reputacija : 2 Join date : 2010-04-07 Age : 31 Miestas : Mystic Falls
| Temos pavadinimas: Mano pirmieji eilėraščiai Antr. 12 28, 2010 11:55 pm | |
| When I look at you, day passes, You only have one minute to look into your eyes, and everything changes Why not be as good as I want? Why must everything turn out wrong direction? I want to start to scream, "Why is this such a life"
Yes I want to be with you every minute, second. But in vain, everything is completely different. You ignore me, even as attention in the past Now, not anymore that is your smile to me than the past
And the idea of rotating head "What this has happened, what did that anymore what it was before" Why did this happen? Everything seemed so good until this happened There were a lot of fun, memorable day on which now can only dream of.
Ir dar kitas:
Every day reminds you When I look out the window passes the whole world Every time you thought about turning Your eyes are like the depths of shadow It remains to be silent and think Each movement has a thing makes you wonder about I need your warm embrace You are trying to convince you that you'm not cold and it is worth Unfortunately though it fails to work and how it would be better Love is like a regular hell do not ever want a fun ...
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